About Oman


Geographically located in the Arabian Peninsula, the Sultanate is rich in heritage and traditions with a blend of modern lifestyle. Oman is a land of stunning landscapes, from plains to mountains and deserts to unspoiled beaches which stretch to 1700kms of pristine coastline. The country provides a fascinating getaway, with a range of outdoor activities to choose from – including diving and rock climbing, photography to ice skating. The breathtaking and splendid tourist attractions in Oman include various castles and forts, natural wonders, deserts, wadis, mountains, caves and a lot more. The climate is predominantly arid in summer and is pleasant from October to March. The Omani people are known for their extreme hospitality and generosity in both social and professional contexts.
Today, Oman is making its presence felt around the world, transforming itself into a modern and vibrant nation with international milestones that include the following:
Ranked 4th in the Arab world and 40th internationally in the ‘Economic Freedom of the World’ 2008, annual report published by the Fraser Institute of Canada.
Topped the Arab countries in peace and security according to an ‘international peace index’ prepared by the Studies and Info Unit at the UK – based Economist Intelligence Unit; and ranked 22nd among 121 countries; received the ‘most peaceful’ in a number of indicators
Tourism destination for the year 2008 by Vogue Magazine
Driven by its Vision 2020, Oman is all set to develop infrastructure projects, with an annual budget of RO 6.4 billion for the year 2009. With diversification strategies and sound policies, the Sultanate is on its way to increase its international profile and create a niche in the global market.

The Sultanate has been witnessing a stable political climate, manifested through its:
Strong economic growth
Improved transport infrastructure
Military upgrades
Omanisation strategy which has strengthened the Omani workforce across various sectors
Being the leader in the Arab world in terms of environmental concerns and women’s right
The country’s tourism sector is one of the most buoyant non-oil sectors, soaring to new heights. The Sultanate is currently making greater impact on the local economy and engaging in a number tourist projects including the construction of more than 10 five-star hotels over the next four years. With its unprecedented growth, the sector has been providing better employment opportunities to a large number of Omanis.
According to the World Travel Council and Tourism Council, Oman’s tourism sector is one of the fastest growing in the world; expected to expand from RO 2.496 billion in 2008 to RO3.36 billion by 2018. The growth rate is attributed to an increase in lodging capacity and efforts made to market the Sultanate as a tourist destination.
The Economy

Oman’s Vision 2020 is aimed at reducing its oil reliance and developing the sectors’ potential. The windfall of oil prices in 2007 enabled the Sultanate to fund its diversification efforts. Oman, like the rest of the world, is inevitably affected by the global crisis. However, the country’s national economic capability is strong and resilient; and is expected to reduce its effects on the economy’s over-all performance.
US - Oman Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has come into effect starting Jan.1, 2009. The said agreement lifts all trade barriers to consumers and industrial products and will expand opportunities for imports and export activities. The FTA is aimed at enhancing the existing bilateral trade; boosting the country’s investments, job opportunities, economic growth; and helping the already open Omani market to be more open to the global market.
Despite the global economic crisis, Oman’s monetary and banking system is largely insulated. The performance of the banking sector up to October 2008 reflected robust economic growth. On a year on year basis, total assets of commercial banks increased by 47.6% to reach RO 13.5 billion at the end of October 2008; with fast expansion in assets by 52.7% growth in credit.
Oman’s leading banks are Bank of Muscat, National Bank of Oman, Oman Development Bank, Oman International Bank, Bank Dhofar and Bank Sohar, among others.
Capital Markets
The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) has earned a solid reputation among investors in the region, with high standards of corporate governance and regulatory oversight and a history of strong returns.
The government has made significant moves with its plan to institute a RO150 million (US$390m) fund to boost sagging equity prices on the Muscat Securities Market through investment in securities.
Today, Oman’s efforts to modernise and open its borders combined with its attractive economy is increasingly drawing interest from foreign investors.
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